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Forum : Parties : 'dance' finals GPZH with ao. Numtek, Pornologic & dtr, 6/04, Waterfront R'dam

dtr [nl]
Profile Picture
Post: 116
Last track: Firestone
Electrobel represents at the Grote Prijs Zuid Holland!

No less than 3 out of 5 'dance' finalists are Electrobel members. Come and support us! Big party guaranteed

line up:
De Vaage Dwaaze
dtr (ebel)
Numtek (ebel)
Atiq & Enk
Pornologic (ebel)

Friday 4th of April @ Waterfront (Rotterdam), start 21.00

www.gpzh.nl www.waterfront.nl
ZARk [be]
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Post: 3
Last track:
niiiiiice :)

now it's all down to inviting the other guys in :)


winner will probably be ebel member ;)
liquidbass [be]
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Post: 7
Last track:
cool... GO AND GET IT!!!
psychostorm [nl]
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Post: 45
Last track: efm hh md kit 10
vette shit :D
dtr [nl]
Profile Picture
Post: 116
Last track: Firestone
dtr [nl]
Profile Picture
Post: 116
Last track: Firestone
just back! final results:

1. pornologic (ebel)
2. dtr (ebel. yeah baby that's me! )
3. atiq&enk ft. mc dart (soon to be ebel )
dtr [nl]
Profile Picture
Post: 116
Last track: Firestone
i was really amazed to get the 2nd prize. i played a 3/4 triphop and 1/4 electro/tech set. first prize winner pornologic (2006 public-prize winner and super-favorite beforehand) played a super catchy retro-happy-electro set. third prize winners (and imho the very best) atiq&enk feat. MC dart gave a superb dubstep/DnB/core set. imho they were 10x betters than all the rest, including myself (and they won the public's prize). and in between those 2 i got the second prize with my slow and soft triphop ending with an electro/tech climax. yes i 'm proud of it ^^
dtr [nl]
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Post: 116
Last track: Firestone
Numtek [nl]
Profile Picture
Post: 45
Last track: Numtek & Eatme - Geluidstapijt
congrats DTR, it was a nice set and definetly well thought-out!

"next time gadget,.. next time..... mwiauw!"
Numtek [nl]
Profile Picture
Post: 45
Last track: Numtek & Eatme - Geluidstapijt
The jury said the following about me:
"Politiek geladen performance maar gelukkig met humor. De jury is benieuwd of deze ook wel eens optreden geeft in combinatie met beeld. De categerorie 'dance' lijkt wat te beperkt voor Numtek. Het boeit in ieder geval 1 jurylid!
breakcore is een interessant genre, waarin de limieten wordne opgezocht. Numtek heeft beslist ene eigen stempel

gebruik niet teveel gimmicks (stemmetjes) in een set. Focus je op het produceren van beter geluid en je podiumpresentatie. Nu kwam je totaal ongeintresseerd over, of is dit soms je imago? vergeet ook niet dat je voor een publiek staat te spelen, maak hier contact mee"

]haha, ja dat is mijn imago als ik niet heb getegen en weinig heb geslapen ja :)