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eatme - EatMe - Girls (beautiful women)


EatMe - Girls (beautiful women) is a breakbeat/synthpop track. I first wrote the main harmonic progression with the electric piano chord section, then added backing chords limited with a bass kick so it fades when the kick sounds, with later eq low removed so you actually don't hear the kick. Then I created the bass synth sample sequence. Later came the hihat and snare and kick, then two sliced breakbeats. Then I added the crashes and reverbed background hisses, and last but not least the vocal samples. I also did some final equalizing here and there. The (break)beat is not straight 4-4 but a bit shifted. I hope all girls will love this dedication to their fine naked beings.





toysfornoise [nl] - 17 years ago

nice hiss and shifting b-eats indeed !!! could imagine a much harder beat going over the original one, after the first half.... well done..

Numtek [nl] - 17 years ago

love the theme, they are an inspiration for sure!

Anonymous [nl] - 16 years ago

your stuff is really good, im not a huge electro fan but i like what you do a lot. I found you through the audacity forum.
keep up the good work