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MarinuZz - mye sampledress musicpiece


The idea came from a girlfriend who studies textile design at Rietveld Amsterdam:

Reverse Process Project

- often i start a project with the inspiration source being a piece of music. With this assignment i want to turn that around. So the product should inspire to make a piece of music/sound.
Develop/design a garment or piece of jewelery that makes sound that should trigger the urge to record it and use it for a piece of music.
She asked if I could do some with that idea.

I came up with the idea to record samples from the dress with contactmicrophones and fieldrecorder. And next year I start to design a sensorsysteem on the dress so that the movement in the dress actually triggers sound or sequences.

This short piece of 1:56 is the intro for this project. The original samples are 'klittenband', knops, ritsen and the textile and then complety manipulated to get somekind of a musical result.

Hope you like it.



