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jette - Furry Flinter


This is an older track which was ready to change completely, so I worked on it for a few days. This is what's left... A totally changed 12 min 40 long track with loads of small tinkling sounds and heavy low, different rhythms and some breaks and melodies.





decay [nl] - 15 years ago

Cool track!

jette [nl] - 15 years ago


bRz [nl] - 15 years ago

What a nice cute track this is.....
Well done, me like.

grtz Bruce

jette [nl] - 15 years ago

cool, thanks :D

Anonymous [nl] - 15 years ago

heee jette ik hoor jou muziek en het is echt super muziek wat je maakt

groetjes Quim Tekno

jette [nl] - 15 years ago

he Quim, bedankt! das leuk om te horen..!