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MarinuZz - Kontrol


I am a bit stuck on this. help mij..

When I started this track I was fooling around with layering kickdrumz, distortion and sidechain compression. The scream is a kick drum that's processed a lot. I used some combfiltering, lowpass with a high Q, grain-delay and distortion.





jette [nl] - 15 years ago

nice vibe, i like the 'distortiong' :P and crackling sounds. I think it sounds pretty good but it's a bit too short... You could try to slowly give the kick a rougher punch. Break around 1.50 is cool. Maybe you could make some sort of refrain with that high sound?

MarinuZz [nl] - 15 years ago

Thnx! It's been a while now I tried to make a rough track. I am gonna try to make the kick a rougher punch This thing I posted was the material that is a bit interesting for a starting base. I find it always hard to make a track that have long duration and to keep it interesting and always shifting once I am out of the mood. The high sound I can process more with granular delay processing and make more colours. The refrain is pain in the ass to make. I have now an idea to build further on. Thanks for the advice ;)

Anonymous [nl] - 15 years ago

I really really like the intro!
