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eatme - EatMe & Stephanie Finegan - Nightsky


Music composed and produced by EatMe.
Lyrics written and performed by Stephanie Finegan:

Smooth ambient progressive house containing a G major key upwards. All recorded at EatMe's place with a nice dinner. Updated Monday July 6th 2009 with new vocals, strings/synths after the break and a new intro.


Night. Sky. Open. Soul.
Clouds. Gather. Free. Fall.
Storms. Eye. Be. You.
Demons. Washed. Clear. View.
Take it. Inward. Reeling. Forward.
Sounds. Motion. One. Ocean.
Orbit. Manic. Born of. Static.
Cleansed. Explosion. Shed your panic!





Numtek [nl] - 15 years ago

w00t! Like it! Insane productive week man, nice work(s)!

Anonymous [nl] - 14 years ago

So smooth.