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Cheminee - 36 hours a day


Hello there,

Thanks for listening.
Though this track is not finished yet, I posted it to see if there is some useful feedback.
Lyrics will be added and maybe some soundeffects.

This track is about someone who realises that his days are getting shorter in a perspective way and he thinks about when he was young and everything seemed bigger and the days seemed longer.





ScornAlienTV [nl] - 16 years ago

VEry nice track!!
Sounds are nicely balanced, maybe even a bit too clean.. ;-)

But nice groove & synths..

Maybe you wanna check out my 'AcidRock2009' (as soon as it has finished pending.. :-)

aphone [be] - 16 years ago

this one got a funk feelin, but it isnt finished imho, its missin a few elements to be complete, a high synth or sound, more unity more groove... nice job already !!!