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MATTACiD - one on one


after rebuilding my studio I felt like making acid,
this one's made with:
RM1X, drumstation, m-base, TeeBee, 2 x TB-303, MC-202,
A-880, zoom1201, microverb4, 1402VLZpro

please leave your compelling comments...





bRz [nl] - 17 years ago

Sounds good!
Could be a bit longer......

justsonah [nl] - 17 years ago

Nice one

Anonymous [nl] - 16 years ago

Liked it, ... sortof. Would've liked to hear some more variation or fx. Keep it up mate, hang in there and you'll do great!

MATTACiD [nl] - 16 years ago

ok, ok,
length, variation, fx
thanxs for taking the time to listen

Android23 [nl] - 16 years ago

relaxte shit ouwe

dthy [nl] - 16 years ago

Nice! I like it :)
Just like bRz already said...it could be a bit longer

SmeP [nl] - 16 years ago

hehe, eindelijk een lekker nummertje bij electrobel

sms303 [nl] - 16 years ago

This song gives me the same vibe as Joey Beltram - Dance Generator (LP) on Trax records

* forgot to login :me=stupid:

Anonymous [nl] - 16 years ago

This song gives me the same vibe as Joey Beltram - Dance Generator (LP) on Trax records

bassmonk [be] - 16 years ago

nice low acidline

decay [nl] - 15 years ago

Really nice track, great job

Anonymous [nl] - 12 years ago

Asynchron riff => good feeling.