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decay - entropical brain forest




jette [nl] - 15 years ago

This track is awesome!

decay [nl] - 15 years ago

Thanks :)

fluid25 [it] - 15 years ago

Good good. AcidCore never die.
Report a sound in the real world, we will be a mission.

teknoizer [nl] - 15 years ago

I really like this one !!!

decay [nl] - 15 years ago

Thanks :)

dthy [nl] - 15 years ago

nice nice nice nice :)

Uzi [fr] - 15 years ago

Sensory Overload Records (http://www.discogs.com/label/Sensory+Overload+Records) or Eargasm (http://www.discogs.com/Garfield-Mo%C3%AFse-Help-Me/release/153093)

Very good track.
Acid power.

Master volume could be a little stronger.
Don't stop your 303powerful sound !

greetings from Fr

decay [nl] - 15 years ago

Thanks and we won't stop the bassline :)

This is not a mastered version.

What do you mean with sensory overload and eargasm3 ? (great music)