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dtr - The End is the Beginning is the End


Something like trip-hop meets post-rock. I'm pretty proud of the hypnotizing texture with the guitars and fx on this one.

I recorded this by myself but I'll probably re-record it with my Urban Jam Collective friends. That sounded pretty good when we played it together at the Langweiligkeit festival!





MarinuZz [nl] - 18 years ago

Good song. Enjoy it. Perfect for when I'm traveling by train or bus. Just chilling and watch what happens around.

I put this one to one of my favorites.


Anonymous [nl] - 18 years ago

Very nice fusion indeed, although I would classify it more as rock than hiphop :)

Anonymous [nl] - 16 years ago

great one!!!

Anonymous [nl] - 16 years ago

perfet sound!!! I heard five times consecutively........

Anonymous [nl] - 12 years ago

Very Nice Track!!!

Anonymous [nl] - 2 years ago

Love this song! It is the perfect soundtrack for a Dawn of the Dead or Post Apocalyptic setting.