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sms303 - Endlich


Some acid try-out.

Distorted 303.
Track is recorded at poor quality.

Weapons of war/destruction:
Jomox Airbase99
Yamaha RY30
Simmons SDS8
Studioquad multi-FX
Big Muff distortion





teknozem [nl] - 17 years ago

Too bad for the lack of dynamics, but the sound is yummy! Incredible fat and deep kickdrum...very nice! The 303 fits nicely into the beats, but to my taste it is too distorted. The snares at the end were better left out...it ruins the feel of the track... More to come from you? :)

decay [nl] - 17 years ago

Nice haunting acid :)

sms303 [nl] - 17 years ago

Thanks for your comment!

Indeed i need more variation in the 303 patterns. If this will succesed my music will grow more.

Anonymous [nl] - 17 years ago

Nice tkno/acid track but yes poor quality,...bit more variation in 303 paternz?

Anonymous [nl] - 17 years ago

Comment pending........... :P

Anonymous [nl] - 17 years ago

nice try! loud and clear, keeps on going!

kidtek [nl] - 17 years ago

Nice track Casper! nice full beat with round kicks! what's nxt?

Anonymous [nl] - 17 years ago

sick sick sick its almost tekno really nice

Numtek [nl] - 17 years ago

whieee! :) endlich!

sms303 [nl] - 17 years ago

Next mission/project will be abusing my TR808 & TB303 with a lot of dirty FX's à la Beverly Hills 808303.

When ready i will post the MP3's

Of course there will be come more of me ;)

mokka [nl] - 17 years ago

Waiting for something new Casper :)
Soon a liveset maybe?

iam0pen [nl] - 17 years ago

This song inspired me to dance!!!