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pornologic - Men of Steel


4 to the floor elektro heavily influenced by chiptune sounds...





Anonymous [nl] - 18 years ago

not my cup of tea but good sound quality, maybe a bit too much bass in the kick

Erophin [nl] - 18 years ago

nice song ...classic indeed ..check for alosyus on .be ull appreciate 4 insp ^^

dtr [nl] - 18 years ago

the classic 8)

kidtek [nl] - 18 years ago

Love this track!

Jorg [nl] - 18 years ago

bring back the 8-bit!
real nice..

Android23 [nl] - 18 years ago

i loved it :D awesome XD

Android23 [nl] - 16 years ago

Love it,no words... just makes me wanna bounce around the place :D