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Electrobone - liquid fruit²




Anonymous [nl] - 17 years ago

just a load of crap..
stuff some fruityloops sounds together and just hope that it sounds cool, was that your approach on this track, or what?

Electrobone [nl] - 17 years ago

HOPE? maybe you're just more happy with melody, well i can take a critic but i wanted to make this track sound dark and raw
and i don't HOPE it sounds cool
this track is a preview anyway it says ICZ clearly, maybe i uploaded it to soon for you

decay [nl] - 17 years ago

I for one like this kind of music.

Mr./Ms. Anonymous assumes too much.


crisis90 [nl] - 17 years ago

para shit gekske

2Stripe [nl] - 15 years ago

cker man dees is waas, je word wel lkkr bezig gehoude, k heb trouwes die gekke pirate song geupdate tot 3de versie hijs nou bijna af